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I believe my insurance needs are appropriate at this time. No changes were needed even though...
Pat M.

Life Insurance

Life Insurance

Life insurance can provide financial security in difficult times. Many experts say your life insurance benefit should equal 7-10 times your annual income. That's a good rule of thumb, but there's more to it than that. We can help you you determine the exact amount that's appropriate for you.

If you haven't reviewed your life insurance program for a while, or if you don't have one at all, NOW IS THE TIME TO ACT! We have a number of systems to analyze your situation and goals to come up with the policy that’s right for you. Whether you like term insurance, universal life insurance, whole life insurance, or any combination, we work with a number of companies to get you the best solution.

Life Insurance can help take care of:

  • Final Expenses (funeral costs, medical bills)
  • Debts (mortgage, auto, school, credit card)
  • College Funds for Children
  • Income Replacement
  • Charitable Donations

Learn More About Life Insurance