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HM is friendly, and quickly responds to all questions and claims.
Julie L.

Our Services

Auto Insurance

All states require a minimum amount of coverage for automobiles, motorcycles, and RVs, but state minimums may not be the best option for you and your family. We’ll find the policies that are the best value and the best coverage for your unique situation. Coverage options include accidental death,...more

Life Insurance

Life insurance can provide financial security in difficult times. Many experts say your life insurance benefit should equal 7-10 times your annual income. That's a good rule of thumb, but there's more to it than that. We can help you you determine the exact amount that's appropriate for you. ...more

Property Insurance

Your most valuable asset is most likely your home. You want to ensure you have coverage in the event of a claim. We can provide coverage for your home, your personal property (furniture, appliances, electronics, clothes, collectibles, jewelry, electronics), and even get you money to live somewhere...more

Retirement Insurance

The market has been quite volatile as of late, and we use that as a teaching tool. We determine your individual risk tolerance and discuss the options available to secure your retirement portfolio. Many companies offer guarantees to protect against loss in the event of a declining market. We can...more